Tuesday, July 21, 2009

This is turning out to be a very famous eclipse, maybe because it is so interesting in terms of cycles (due to newmoon, fullmoon and then an solar eclipse all in cancer in one month) maybe because it has the longest duration of any solar eclipse this century, which for some is very auspicious ; I mean we are getting closer to the 2012 orgasm and this is the foreplay and anything seems to be taken for an omen of this or that or whatever. Or maybe it is because we have internet and this medium carries news that wouldn't have reached you in a million years before. And finally, and this is perhaps the most plausible of all the maybes, maybe it is because it is quite heavily felt in the emotional body of each and one of us. This has been an emotional month and it is about to reach its crescendo, le grand finale, the release into the symbolic newmoon, so good and so fresh in its energies.

I see, ecplipse or no eclipse, when the moon is dark, totally veiled by the sun, people are tired, they got the blues, they feel smaller or more vulnerable. And maybe more so when it is in Cancer, the sign of the Divine Tittie :)

This eclipse can bring out the relationships-sceletons out of the closet as well. Venus is making a square to Saturn from Gemini to Virgo and maybe you have reached a new point in your life both relating to yourself and to the ones that you have close. If not, maybe you fall for the tempation to blame yourself for what the Cancer-month has brought to an end. Perhaps not feeling too good about yourself can dominate. Healthissues, moneyissues, social issues. Saturn in Virgo can be nasty when set on finding mistakes, he can find them all and even create some new.

Put the pressure off. Don't mind too much that you couldn't reach your goals of a new and better you yet, there is still time. You are improving little by little and sometimes it is hard to see for yourself how you have improved, as the inner eye is still so used to finding the faults instead of seeing the beauty.

Venus-Saturn can have a touch of melancholy, of grief, of the blues. It can really show us that the relationship we have to ourselves, dictates how the world feels about us. The world is our mirror. This configuration can pull out the the external feeder and force you to create a better relationship to the feminine within.

Your relationship might go through some hardships or challenges as well, and if it is good lovin' it will continue to exist. If not, let go. Pluto is onstage with the rest of the lunatics, so be sure this months' transformational themesong wont stop yet..It seems to have become a hit!

Words are sometimes too small, sometimes to dull and colourless to describe what goes on in the Soul of All. And lots seems to be happening there. Allthough thte Dark Moon can be gloomy and confrontational , it gets released into new power and joy when the job is done. It can be a culmination of both good and bad, and this is important to remember. If you have a set of divine virtues developed, you are free from getting hung up in the negative of any projection, those that you created yourself and those projected on you.

We can't get beyond our emotional hang-ups before we accept them for sure. And accepting them is divinity.

It is God's love manifested. It is the Great Mother's love in real life..What we have to do to invite this beautiful energies into our lives when the sun is eclipsed, is to use our will. We have to want it, want the change, want the goodbye, want the release. We have to be willing to look at our creations and let them go as well.

So a good hug to all of you..This is Cancer-Moon..Smothering, mothering love..:)

:) And tomorrow is a new moon..Ah, the celebration of the Leo nw moon is in the air. I am ready!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Some fullmoon.

It has been hectic lately, but a lot of fun. Mars in Sagittarius joining forces with the Sun has made sure that every moment has been used for something that is moving. If you are one of those who has experienced the phenomenon we could label "time-stand-still", then clearly, something is out of order, and you should seriously consider getting a life outside of routine. These last weeks has been for the adventurer in us all, and it is not stopping now, by all means. We are heading for fullmoon.

Saggy energy is all about exploring and expanding, and it has a rather wild side to itself, which is especially good for the vitality and could really boost your energy..But you have to dare to be bold and shameless . This is a straight from the liver type of energy, thus many a truth can come bursting forth without you not even noticing. Until it is too late , off course..Calmly laugh it off by making a joke or two about yourself, and the mishap will be going down in history as not-too-well-placed joke. Better that, than an insult. These coming few days will be fullmoon-days. Especially the first 24 hrs where the moon is waxing to become full is especially auspicious. The energy normally runs very high around when the moon is showing off her full beauty , and this coming one is not your average fullmoon either, it is , in lack of a better word, intense. It can greatly affect your nervous system, so be sure that you don't glide over emotions or worries , but process according to demand. Otherwise you might find yourself grinding teeth all night long, or even worse, not sleeping at all. It is indeed a fullmoon that can be very inspiring on many levels, it could be filled with new visions for the future, both conserning work, health and politics. It is a day to follow your soul impulse and let your personality be what it is, an instrument for a greater energy.

The esoterics and the tibetans use the fullmoon as a booster to get in touch with the soul, and it is belived that during the fullmoon , the soul will be available for conscious contact. When the soul ascends into your personal emotional, mental and physical being, it can overstimulate the blockages that you have and create a day with emotional chaos or with a feeling that you really need to work on some issues to be able to have a good life, a full life.
It is like your shadow comes alive and starts showing off in front of you. Which can be a very educating experience, cos you have the oppurtunity to work on old patterns and release them, but which will very much be felt like something unpleasant. Facing your shadow, well, not so fun maybe and I guess this is why so many people avoid this and then rather become real lunatics , especially around fullmoon. I am certain that this is why the legend of the warewulf was born out of the collective psyche.

As a final warning before you head off into the jungle to meet your inner Tarzan. Allthough it is a great time to explore your wild side, don't do it while you are tipsy and on the way home from a social gathering. These are unpredictable energies that can be accident-prone. We have had this conjunction between mars and the sun for two weeks allready and it will all be intesified during this fullmoon. So take care, breath with your stomack and take time out to meditate or do whatever neutralises your extremeties.

So wishing you a great journey through fullmoonland-and-may you find your treasure.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


The sun is again crossing into the sign of Scorpio, a sign of heigths and depths, of drama and intesity, of hunger and desire, of the instinctual mind and the strong ability to sense. It is a dimension many feel uncomfortable with, cos it is so good damn confronting. Scorpios sense and confronts. So it can be a really revealing time, where issues from the subconscious emerge with the power of ten horses . It is a most learning experience though, you get to know yourself from a deeper level, and really understand what motivates your actions. What emotions triggers your growth? Isn't it a feeling of lack that takes us to the next level ? When you appear to lack a quality, your strive to transform , so that you can integrate a potential into form, and thus become more than you were yesterday. Stronger. More.
Maybe there is something in those famous words "what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger" . A Scorpio must have written that one, I am certain of it.

We have had Venus and Mars in Scorpio for a while, and whereas Venus has allready crossed into Sagittarius, we will have Mars and the Sun fuelling up the Scorpio engine for another month.
And if you thought that the economy had hit rockbottom, think again, there is more to come.
The big collaps of -29 had similar astrological signatures as we have for the present moment, Mars in Scorpio touching the nodal axis, thus making it stronger. The first real hit of this economical crises came when Venus in Scorpio squared the nodal axis , shaking us with news of Iceland going bankcrupt. Now, during the course of the coming days, Mars will be where Venus was, and take us back into the lacks of our current economical system. It has apparent lacks, lacks that people are not willing to face due to greed and fear. But Scorpio is relentless in that sense, if you don't want to face it, you have to..There goes the story of cathartic Pluto and the symbolic lava that pours forth when the pressure is too much. It burns the lot, but creates new ground for growth.

And in the meanwhile, we better do what Neptun on the nodes tells us, face the Truth of it all.
This system we have created, each and one of us, with our thoughtforms and desires. And maybe you are not a part of it directly, and try to not be a part of the astral movement of the Dark Age , but then you need a good cave, this is how merged together we are.You will still have to work a lot to free yourself from the collective thoughtforms that spread through us like fires.

Remember though, that in times like these, there is a good opportunity to break free from old patterns of fear, and release your awareness into a higher realm, where all this that goes on in people, between people, ceases to control you.

A crises is always a point of opportunity.

Seems like we really need Saturn in Virgo these days, where our ability to sustain ourselves is being cultivated. How do you heal yourself? How do we let go of the darkness?

I say it again, we have only this moment, this moment is all, all that is, is this moment. You are this moment. Kind of liberating.

We get fragments .

Enjoy this one too..

With courage of a true Scorpio, let's face the challenges of building a more functional world together.

I let you in on a little secret that is not a secret ; The only requirement for mastery is Courage...and the only requirement for courage is Love..My super-capricorn friend, Runi, pointed this out so eloquently.

A nice reminder..

Let's love...

Sunday, September 21, 2008


It has been a rough week, due to intense planetary contacts, and the bombing in Pakistan is again another reminder of the collective forces that are stirring in people.
Especially vulnerable are we in our astral dimension, the place of our emotions. Show me the person who has mastered the art of true neutralisation, who is really above it all and I will run over and ask "how do you do it" . What is the Secret? When do we start to have our gravitational pull to a higher dimension, where clarity reigns and suffering ends? When are we liberated from the push and pull of astral forces.? So much trouble and disease are due to either indulgence or suppression of the emotional body and therefore, in our culture, we need to take extra care to understand the inner workings of our mental-emotional plane.

Allthough Saturn hasn't been too strong lately, it is always there, and now, more than anytime, we could certainly need a little dose of this Master. Saturn in Virgo, which we have for the moment, is about management of our inner, as well as our outer life. It is currently trining and ruling Jupiter in Capricorn, enlightening us in the realm of stability and productivity. Without a certain astral stability, there is no way that you will be efficient nor productive. Without a certain stability, your creativity might ebb and flow with the moon. You will find exuses for not being inspired, exuses for not creating. Saturn-Jupiter in these two earthsigns grounds us, takes us into the physical realm, and teach us about the art of manifestation.Makes us understand that we need to discipline our minds in order to create stability.
This last week might have been challeging on the astral realm of both you and me, so I thought it was due time to introduce you to one of the esoteric pearls that I stumbled upon before Sun-Pluto hit the fan.

This is taken from esoteric astrology by Alice Bailey, and it is indeed a gem and a brilliant insight into the true nature of our dear Saturn:

"Amid the whirling forces, I stand confused.

I know them not, for, during all my past, they swept me
up and down the land wherein I moved, blinded and unaware.
From place to place and point to point, they drove me up and down
the land and nowhere was there rest.
I know them now and here I stand and will not move
until I know the Law which governs all this movement
up and down the land. I may revolve and turning face
the many different ways; I face some wide horizons
and yet today, I stand.
I will determine for myself the way to go. Then onward I will move.
I will not travel up and down the land, nor turn in space.
But onward I will move. "

Saturn is the Law. Or the Laws of the Universe. Not the manmade laws only, but the ones that are in effect in our Creation, the essential keys of Life itself. If man understands the Laws, he will merge with Higher intention and the ebb and flow will stabilize. Saturn checks on us to see if we get this point in our own lives, and if we ourselves , are willing to take on the task of creating the understanding of the Lifeforce. Which can be quite humbling, but very effective. :)

Have a sweet evening..
Many blessings.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Vacation overload

I never thought I would say it, but finally my vacation is near its end. Phew! Vacation can be hard, allthough I am very happy it happens in the month of Cancer and Leo, the more playful signs of the Zodiac. The focus is simply enjoying life, understanding the necessecity to breathe in and nourish the Soul. And the planets has been crossing the nightsky without me noticing, nor blogging about it, vacationmode is its own little bubble, mostly protected from the movements in the sky.

But there is a limit to everything , and a few days ago, Venus crossed into Virgo, pushing the work-button, the party is over. Soon, Mercury will join and makes sure you put into practise whatever paritcular task you have at hand in order to realise your potential. According to my father, a survey done amongst the elderly , posing one question : "what did you reget in your life" reavealed that most of them regetted not working more. Work develops us, it is a creative playground for us, it makes us stronger, if the attitude is right. In our society, we have a tendency to critizise and fight almost everything, and I do not think that it is a surprise that auto-immune illnesses are popping up everywhere, the internal battling is really coming to the front. This battle is fought also with our jobs, and to tell you the truth, each and one of us is beyond compare. We are all unique, not something the competitive Dash Parr of the Incredibles was too enthusiazed to hear when his mother said : "but Dash, we are all special". He replies rather dryly : "That is the same thing as saying that none of are special" and he has got a point. Having a job that doesn't fullfill your thirst for life is a though challenge.
Leo, where the Sun currently resides, is the sign of self-actualisation. On a more spiritual level it is important to understand that this has nothing to do with "fame and glory". That is the Ego-desires operation. Which is ok, but can be quite draining to the more spiritually inclined individual. The Sun operates then on a different level, it brings forward another dimension, making us understand that true success is the ability to enjoy life, without anything special, nothing external to make us feel good. Hard to achieve maybe, but certainly possible. Joy for no apparent reason. Living life without making demands all the time. Such bliss. Such freedom. This is the self-realisation process the Indians speak of. It is always there, heaven is always there. You can always enter.

Venus in Virgo is telling us that whatever you do, do it with dedication, with your full attention. In this way, everything , even the dishwashing, can become a blessing, a meditation, something that replenishes your energy. And Virgo is all about replenishing. This is why it is so closely tied up with health, it tells us how to use energy in order to stay healthy, and that all has a consequence. The way you think, the food you eat, the routines that you have in your life, they all make a difference. The health of the treetrunk will tell you if there will be any fruit on the branches.

Venus in Virgo enjoys work. It is grateful for service, it thrives with work. I read somewhere just recently a short interview with a doctor coming back to work after a month of vacation. He was asked about the challenges of returning to work with an overload of tasks awaiting. "Being busy, is not the same as being stressed out" he answered..That's the attitude..:)

I slept and dreamt that life was a joy I awoke and saw that life was service I acted and behold, service was joy. - Rabindranath Tagore

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The moon is ripe.

The sweetness of summer is at its fullest, the forest is ripe with blueberries and the ducklings are allready fat and ready to swim alone. And the cancerian Sun makes us all feel slow and quiet. It seems like everything is moving in a calmer pace, and Mercury, our favorite neurotic, has allready been a few days in Cancer, changing his face yet another time, this time putting on his robe and chilling under a Sun that does practically nothing. Eating, resting, going for a few walks, being with family, playing with the kids, all this is the Cancerian domain. Sleeping. The benefits of good rest and the time to meditate. Summer at its sweetest.
Minor things cannot upset us for long in this state. Mars is in Virgo however, so frustrations might surface, which could very well taint out vacationmode. If you have the chance you should let it all go.

It is a time to tune in, Mercury in Gemini these last two months could easily have been a mental race that made us all feel that we have had enough of chit-chatting, cyberspacing and networking. Mercury in Cancer is another dimension entirely. What is inbetween the words is much more interesting than what comes out of the mouth. What you say and how you feel might be two different things, and you will perhaps feel much more sensitive to other people's emotions these days. This is both good and bad, being overly sensitive can overpower you , and tomorrows fullmoon might just be a reminder that we need to stay alert in the face of emotional manipulations, minor and major ones. Boundaries and taking time to really explain and go thoroughly through things might ease some of the guilt that so easily occurs when we are in contact with eachother, and especially when we perhaps feel that we hurt someone. This can be very sensitive and vulnerable energies, so stepping lightly and with compassion through this fullmoon might be adviceable.

We all carry our histories, even small children have theirs allthough we might not think about it. Taking each person as he or she is is a great challenge as we tend to project ourselves out on the world and onto people. Listening to the subtle realms is perhaps a lesson that we need to learn again and again. And knowing how to approach what we hear when we truly listen is another challenge. For how do you use the knowledge of others vulnerablities? How do we help eachother becoming more secure beings ?
To validate eachother is all well, but how do we evolve beyond neediness?

Cancer is a lesson of self-love. If we don't accept and love ourselves, we will create a battle with the world sooner or later. Before you know it an enemy has shown up on your door, challenging your sense of security. It is the true law of attraction, and if we don't master selflove, which is true selfmastery, then we wont be able to manifest in the outer world what we naturally are. It is, as I have said so many times, our inner foundation, our emotional relation first and foremost to ourselves. The child that once ran into obstacles and got cut and bruised in more than one way. The familyhistorie on re-run. This is also Cancer, and this fullmoon marks the end of the solar month of the Crab. From an evolutionary point of view, if the Cancerian lessons of selflove are well integrated, the entry into Leo can be a really creative one. From water to fire, from emoting to expressing.

This coming solar month can bring a lot of goodies in that regard, but more about that later.
For now, make sure you can honor the goddess power of both the fullmoon and of Cancer.

"The more she emotes, the less he listens, and the less he listens, the more strident and emotive she becomes" Maggie Scarf.

This might very well sum it all up.

Monday, July 7, 2008


Mars and Saturn are becoming best buddies in Virgo these days. That is, and I quote Liz Greene, the famous astrologer, if anyone ever could become Saturn's best buddy.
He is known to be a bit stern, and a fella like Mars, wild and free and out to get things done, might feel the castrating Saturn, making sure you chew on those intiatives, checking that they are realistic. Is there a point to all your action?

Pluto retro makes a trine to these two and it furthers the tendency to withdraw and question-
Life is a constant movement in and out, and Pluto describes this impulse. Being able to gracefully let yourself go is a big challenge for ambitious people, and with the Cancer Sun soon making an opposition to retrograd Jupiter, we might feel like we are in some way simply forced to take it easy, or to focus on basic issues primarily.
All the energy is directed inwards and a low energy level, a bad back or too much to do will make us all feel a bit down. Let that be okey. Being a bit down, and accepting it, knowing that this too will pass, reflects wisdom. Life is not always fireworks and creative bliss, hungry as we are for constant reassurance that we are here.

Let someone go home all day, ill or unemployed, and you got the best way to make people feel invisible, unworthy. The Sun, Leo, is the shining light. I am here. Here. This is what I have to offer. I give it.I don't question it. I am it. If I love astrology, I am astrology. If I love music, I am music. I am the creative impulse. The solar fire.

But who are you? Many people don't know. They think they are something, and then this something changes. It is never the same light, it is always evolving. We peel off layers. The process can be frustrating, because we face the unknown.

Saturn describes the form that we take, thus it is the body. Of anything. The structures of you life. If that structure is outdated, out of balance, out of alignment, Mars will now fire the energy up so that you will feel the misalignment physically. There is no way that nature can be one constant outpouring of energy. There is a point in creation that must inhale.

Why am I doing what I am doing? Why am I here? How can I be sure that it is the right thing? Many questions, and the answer. Is there one? Well, maybe not in terms of guarantees. You might and you might not is often what you get.
And maybe you search outside of yourself to get an answer. And the same amount of uncertainty is reflected back on you. If you are clear, the answers will be too. If not, let it go, don't dwell too long on things you can't do anything about today.

Taking the action to move on further, despite the uncertainty is a brave way of living. Then you feel that this I give, it is my service. I will do my best, which is what I have to offer. And the best you can do is relative, all depending on your daily cycle. Saturn-Mars will tell you about this, especially now that the Sun opposes Jupiter. Maybe there is too much ambition?
Is it wearing you out? If it is , there is this famous medicine called ZEN. Desire=Ambition=Doing.
Doing all sorts of stuff all the time is a tireing experience. The mind is always active, thinking, worrying; am I doing enough? Did I do that right? Will I succeed?

Instead if simply being. When the answer is there, it is there. When you have no security need of having you desires met instantly, you let go, and letting go is healing. Only then is the body in a receptive mode. And when there is balance in the yang, the outpouring of energy, and the yin, the receving of energy, then there is a constant flow of Divine Creation. All you do is to let the flow be. You are making space for grace.

If there is being, there is patience. And patience means peace. So when you find peace, you will be creative. That must be why it is called "to be creative", not "to do creative" ;)
I am creative. Even when I rest. When I rest, I am creating energy. It is replenishing the system. So, there you go: Virgo-Cancer. Taking care and nurturing. The pulse of the moment. The flavour of the days to come.

Just be nice to yourself. Even though you feel like you are worthless for the day. It will change. Let yourself become receptive again. And then tomorrow you will flow through all the stuff that you have been dying to be. It is time to realign.

Much love.