Saturday, October 25, 2008


The sun is again crossing into the sign of Scorpio, a sign of heigths and depths, of drama and intesity, of hunger and desire, of the instinctual mind and the strong ability to sense. It is a dimension many feel uncomfortable with, cos it is so good damn confronting. Scorpios sense and confronts. So it can be a really revealing time, where issues from the subconscious emerge with the power of ten horses . It is a most learning experience though, you get to know yourself from a deeper level, and really understand what motivates your actions. What emotions triggers your growth? Isn't it a feeling of lack that takes us to the next level ? When you appear to lack a quality, your strive to transform , so that you can integrate a potential into form, and thus become more than you were yesterday. Stronger. More.
Maybe there is something in those famous words "what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger" . A Scorpio must have written that one, I am certain of it.

We have had Venus and Mars in Scorpio for a while, and whereas Venus has allready crossed into Sagittarius, we will have Mars and the Sun fuelling up the Scorpio engine for another month.
And if you thought that the economy had hit rockbottom, think again, there is more to come.
The big collaps of -29 had similar astrological signatures as we have for the present moment, Mars in Scorpio touching the nodal axis, thus making it stronger. The first real hit of this economical crises came when Venus in Scorpio squared the nodal axis , shaking us with news of Iceland going bankcrupt. Now, during the course of the coming days, Mars will be where Venus was, and take us back into the lacks of our current economical system. It has apparent lacks, lacks that people are not willing to face due to greed and fear. But Scorpio is relentless in that sense, if you don't want to face it, you have to..There goes the story of cathartic Pluto and the symbolic lava that pours forth when the pressure is too much. It burns the lot, but creates new ground for growth.

And in the meanwhile, we better do what Neptun on the nodes tells us, face the Truth of it all.
This system we have created, each and one of us, with our thoughtforms and desires. And maybe you are not a part of it directly, and try to not be a part of the astral movement of the Dark Age , but then you need a good cave, this is how merged together we are.You will still have to work a lot to free yourself from the collective thoughtforms that spread through us like fires.

Remember though, that in times like these, there is a good opportunity to break free from old patterns of fear, and release your awareness into a higher realm, where all this that goes on in people, between people, ceases to control you.

A crises is always a point of opportunity.

Seems like we really need Saturn in Virgo these days, where our ability to sustain ourselves is being cultivated. How do you heal yourself? How do we let go of the darkness?

I say it again, we have only this moment, this moment is all, all that is, is this moment. You are this moment. Kind of liberating.

We get fragments .

Enjoy this one too..

With courage of a true Scorpio, let's face the challenges of building a more functional world together.

I let you in on a little secret that is not a secret ; The only requirement for mastery is Courage...and the only requirement for courage is Love..My super-capricorn friend, Runi, pointed this out so eloquently.

A nice reminder..

Let's love...


Anonymous said...

just wanna see i the comments are enable....
i wish you would write more often!!!!
love you!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

ahhh it works!

Sol's astrological sangha said...

Ahh, thank you..Yes, I promise you, I will write more often..My norvegian blog is a bit more bizzi, but I will get my sweet behind back from Africa, and then, back to work..Updates soon...