Thursday, December 11, 2008

Some fullmoon.

It has been hectic lately, but a lot of fun. Mars in Sagittarius joining forces with the Sun has made sure that every moment has been used for something that is moving. If you are one of those who has experienced the phenomenon we could label "time-stand-still", then clearly, something is out of order, and you should seriously consider getting a life outside of routine. These last weeks has been for the adventurer in us all, and it is not stopping now, by all means. We are heading for fullmoon.

Saggy energy is all about exploring and expanding, and it has a rather wild side to itself, which is especially good for the vitality and could really boost your energy..But you have to dare to be bold and shameless . This is a straight from the liver type of energy, thus many a truth can come bursting forth without you not even noticing. Until it is too late , off course..Calmly laugh it off by making a joke or two about yourself, and the mishap will be going down in history as not-too-well-placed joke. Better that, than an insult. These coming few days will be fullmoon-days. Especially the first 24 hrs where the moon is waxing to become full is especially auspicious. The energy normally runs very high around when the moon is showing off her full beauty , and this coming one is not your average fullmoon either, it is , in lack of a better word, intense. It can greatly affect your nervous system, so be sure that you don't glide over emotions or worries , but process according to demand. Otherwise you might find yourself grinding teeth all night long, or even worse, not sleeping at all. It is indeed a fullmoon that can be very inspiring on many levels, it could be filled with new visions for the future, both conserning work, health and politics. It is a day to follow your soul impulse and let your personality be what it is, an instrument for a greater energy.

The esoterics and the tibetans use the fullmoon as a booster to get in touch with the soul, and it is belived that during the fullmoon , the soul will be available for conscious contact. When the soul ascends into your personal emotional, mental and physical being, it can overstimulate the blockages that you have and create a day with emotional chaos or with a feeling that you really need to work on some issues to be able to have a good life, a full life.
It is like your shadow comes alive and starts showing off in front of you. Which can be a very educating experience, cos you have the oppurtunity to work on old patterns and release them, but which will very much be felt like something unpleasant. Facing your shadow, well, not so fun maybe and I guess this is why so many people avoid this and then rather become real lunatics , especially around fullmoon. I am certain that this is why the legend of the warewulf was born out of the collective psyche.

As a final warning before you head off into the jungle to meet your inner Tarzan. Allthough it is a great time to explore your wild side, don't do it while you are tipsy and on the way home from a social gathering. These are unpredictable energies that can be accident-prone. We have had this conjunction between mars and the sun for two weeks allready and it will all be intesified during this fullmoon. So take care, breath with your stomack and take time out to meditate or do whatever neutralises your extremeties.

So wishing you a great journey through fullmoonland-and-may you find your treasure.

1 comment:

Gabriele said...

Sol, I totally missed this one. Great post. I like the way you offer your insight, the way you voice it. Fun read!

I think I did this one my way, because I got sick and my energy went not up and wild, but down completely. I really enjoyed your thoughts on the shadow.

Wishing you a merry Christmas, looking forward to what New Year is going to bring.

Lots of love!