Tuesday, July 21, 2009

This is turning out to be a very famous eclipse, maybe because it is so interesting in terms of cycles (due to newmoon, fullmoon and then an solar eclipse all in cancer in one month) maybe because it has the longest duration of any solar eclipse this century, which for some is very auspicious ; I mean we are getting closer to the 2012 orgasm and this is the foreplay and anything seems to be taken for an omen of this or that or whatever. Or maybe it is because we have internet and this medium carries news that wouldn't have reached you in a million years before. And finally, and this is perhaps the most plausible of all the maybes, maybe it is because it is quite heavily felt in the emotional body of each and one of us. This has been an emotional month and it is about to reach its crescendo, le grand finale, the release into the symbolic newmoon, so good and so fresh in its energies.

I see, ecplipse or no eclipse, when the moon is dark, totally veiled by the sun, people are tired, they got the blues, they feel smaller or more vulnerable. And maybe more so when it is in Cancer, the sign of the Divine Tittie :)

This eclipse can bring out the relationships-sceletons out of the closet as well. Venus is making a square to Saturn from Gemini to Virgo and maybe you have reached a new point in your life both relating to yourself and to the ones that you have close. If not, maybe you fall for the tempation to blame yourself for what the Cancer-month has brought to an end. Perhaps not feeling too good about yourself can dominate. Healthissues, moneyissues, social issues. Saturn in Virgo can be nasty when set on finding mistakes, he can find them all and even create some new.

Put the pressure off. Don't mind too much that you couldn't reach your goals of a new and better you yet, there is still time. You are improving little by little and sometimes it is hard to see for yourself how you have improved, as the inner eye is still so used to finding the faults instead of seeing the beauty.

Venus-Saturn can have a touch of melancholy, of grief, of the blues. It can really show us that the relationship we have to ourselves, dictates how the world feels about us. The world is our mirror. This configuration can pull out the the external feeder and force you to create a better relationship to the feminine within.

Your relationship might go through some hardships or challenges as well, and if it is good lovin' it will continue to exist. If not, let go. Pluto is onstage with the rest of the lunatics, so be sure this months' transformational themesong wont stop yet..It seems to have become a hit!

Words are sometimes too small, sometimes to dull and colourless to describe what goes on in the Soul of All. And lots seems to be happening there. Allthough thte Dark Moon can be gloomy and confrontational , it gets released into new power and joy when the job is done. It can be a culmination of both good and bad, and this is important to remember. If you have a set of divine virtues developed, you are free from getting hung up in the negative of any projection, those that you created yourself and those projected on you.

We can't get beyond our emotional hang-ups before we accept them for sure. And accepting them is divinity.

It is God's love manifested. It is the Great Mother's love in real life..What we have to do to invite this beautiful energies into our lives when the sun is eclipsed, is to use our will. We have to want it, want the change, want the goodbye, want the release. We have to be willing to look at our creations and let them go as well.

So a good hug to all of you..This is Cancer-Moon..Smothering, mothering love..:)

:) And tomorrow is a new moon..Ah, the celebration of the Leo nw moon is in the air. I am ready!

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