Thursday, June 26, 2008

Ceres and the Sun.

The Sun and a small asteroid named Ceres are joining forces together with the beforementionned Venus in Cancer. Translated to understandable lingo, that means that familyvalues, mothering energies and Divine Nutrition is on the menu. The planets cropping up in Cancer furthermore form a sextile to Saturn in Virgo these days, making sure we take it all seriously. The time to change the diet is now. Saturn will stay another two years in Virgo and during that period, people will see their lives be reorganised on all levels. It is focus on health in every dimension, through the purification of the body, the emotional body, the mind and the Spirit. The coming days will be a correction of the trail the hyperactive Gemini-energy left. Still , Mercury is lingering in the Twins, creating lots of little stuff to do all the time, you might call it "being distracted...all the time" Now ,we've had Cancer energy highlighted for some time now allready, and the need to slow down is really making headlines. These two, Gemini and Cancer will battle eachother for a while, creating a lot of stress and forcing us to readjust, to realign with our deepest core, represented by the Crab.

The Crab is a soft soul, needing lots of time, space and freedom to explore the inner realities. There, deep inside, we replenish, we nurture our Souls. To be able to let go of all the insane activity of the Mind, we need acceptance. And we need to show ourselves compassion, a virtue greater than anyone. For the art of true compassion is one that releases the inner judge, thus making the world a safer place. We will be much less judgemental of others and this again, creates an atmosphere of love and care. And this is the ultimate goal for Cancer, security. We are all aware of the subtle energies that are being played out while we are smalltalking, trying to create this security, but we end up with feeding the fear,
When you notice the fear that jumps from one person to the other, it is easy to turn the energy in any space into a safe haven, a mothering home, a place where we all can take off the though shell, release the tension and flow from our hearts.

Love is easy, all you have to do is to let go of the fear.

So give yourself the oppurtunity to nurture your inner child, love your moodiness, embrace your flaws. It will lessen the pressure on other people as well.

I wish you love. Nothing less.


Gabriele said...

Lovely, Sol, just what I need in the turmoil I'm in right now! Totally in tune with what I'm experiencing, and another reminder of what it is all about.

I totally get the slowing down part! :) And I very much resonate with being 'forced' to "readjust, to realign with our deepest core...".

Very moved by "The Crab is a soft soul, needing lots of time, space and freedom to explore the inner realities."

Accepting what is has always been a challenge, and certainly is so right now. I feel like reading your post highlights what is happening in my personal little world and helps me not only understand, but also see things from a bit of a distance.

Thank you for all of this. It is very much appreciated.

Much love!

Sol's astrological sangha said...

Thank you very much, Gabriele. It makes a difference..I am hoping that this blog will reach out to an audience, and being read and understood is great inspiration to keep going..:)