Thursday, June 12, 2008


I might just pull out my special astro-flag and salute the World and that cunning Creator of ours, the matrix of evolution and life never ceases to amaze me. I love it. Just as Mars is about to shake its booty and really flex its muscles, Uranus comes along and fires up the skies with fireworks never seen before on this planet. These are energies that really rock. I doubt that it will be boring. They are in essence a mark of a revolution, perhaps just a subtle one, but an energychange non the less. The small changes, the small corrections, the little word you where looking for, that letter in the crossword that triggers a whole set of words. That is the energy that I am talking about.
Mars, that currently resides in Leo, has allready been quite agitated for a week or so, and we might have noticed some tension, so when Uranus joins the club and issues a special invite to Venus and that small asteroid, Juno on top of it, we might see some real relationship dramas. Mars never likes being picked on the nose, and especially so when in Leo, a sign known for it's power and the need to come forth. This is not the time for subtle language, get it out there. Let the tension go. If it has been brewing for a few weeks, just take a deep breath, and either talk to yourself in the mirror (if you have some sort of unfinished buisness with the (Wo)Man in the Mirror), or let the dog take it..No, no, just kidding offcourse. Communication is still highlighted (when will it not be?), but this time there might just be some sort of impatience with repetion that lets itself be known. Real change is wanted. How long will we keep repeating ourselves. When is enough, enough?

This is a really good time to find the solution. It is as if God itself is streaming down to you, letting you hear the subtle whisper of your own voice. Maybe will your creative talents finally be seen, Mars is in Leo, marks the time to show yourself off a bit. Yes, let that hair loose, do that particular move that is you. It is about individuation, you are you. Maybe the relationship that really needs some upgrading, is the one you have to yourself?

Some sort of revolution will be happening whether you are ready or not, most probarly you will feel a vibrant spirit moving through you as you, freeing up whatever stagnated energy that has been collected there, deep within.

And if the energy is really, really thight, well, maybe just a little bit of cosmic shocktheraphy is just what you need.

So, in-joy..As usual. :)


Gabriele said...

Sol, this is great. Feels very connected and supportive, and inspires me to go and DO IT - whatever... something around getting my creative energy out, going further, diving deeper, really going there...

I connect to revolutionary changes. Leo is my sun sign and my ascendant, so I really feel like roaring right now, after reading your post! :)

Sol's astrological sangha said...

Sweetest Gabriele, oh, you are a Leo-nesse, a Queen of queens :)

Yes, then most def, you need to accept the power you are. And love it
, support it, be it..Show it..Let it breathe you and make sure you are not the one standing in its way..