Tuesday, June 3, 2008

New moon in Gemini

Yes, I celebrate the new moon in Gemini with my first post here on blogpost.
And what a great way to celebrate a new moon, especially one that is dedicated to understanding life's events like this one is..Gemini's are the seekers of knowlegde, mostly because knowing how things works is elementary if you want to survive in this world . The trouble is that we don't know when to stop taking in information, and the end result might be one of confusion, the system ends up overtaxed by all the tidbits and factoids that circulate endlessly.
With so much going on in media, on the web, and in your thoughts, this might be a time to seek the inner truths as well..Remembering that you have the final answer to your own life is a very empowering and uplifting message.
The intution will always guide you through the jungle and if you are aware, alert and listening, there is a great oppurtunity to toss out what you don't need and keep that which resonates within as well as without.

This newmoon however is a calling to break those mental patterns that doesn't serve you anymore.
Other elements in the sky suggests that a change of attitude is vital for further growth and that overthinking anything has never led to any good, except for those who nurture themselves on mental energy alone.
We live in our small worlds, in our particular culture, and gemini is here to create a brigde between what is known for you and what the world has to offer to complement your awareness. There might be a need to move beyond the known and see things from a totally different point of view, enhancing your ability to understand the world, and the conflicts that arise between races and cultures. If you where an alien entering this planet , you would call us all earthlings, and that is the truth, no matter how much you twist and turn it, we walk under the same sky, we all see the same sun. And within us , the same light is shining, the rest is our cultural imprinting and condittioning.

So move deeper, dive into the truth, it is a very liberating experience, the contradictions of gemini becomes a play of consciousness.


Sandra said...

I loved reading this, felt very supportive. Thank you so much.

Sol's astrological sangha said...

I send the thanks straigth back at you, Sandra:)

Gabriele said...

Sol, I will add your blog to my notifications. I'm delighted with your great post, and your lovely page. I connected a lot with what you said.

Yes, very supportive. I'll be back! Thanks for doing this, Sol.

Much love,

Sol's astrological sangha said...

Hi Gabriele,lovely icon..Yes, lets be inspired by astrology:)