Thursday, June 26, 2008

Ceres and the Sun.

The Sun and a small asteroid named Ceres are joining forces together with the beforementionned Venus in Cancer. Translated to understandable lingo, that means that familyvalues, mothering energies and Divine Nutrition is on the menu. The planets cropping up in Cancer furthermore form a sextile to Saturn in Virgo these days, making sure we take it all seriously. The time to change the diet is now. Saturn will stay another two years in Virgo and during that period, people will see their lives be reorganised on all levels. It is focus on health in every dimension, through the purification of the body, the emotional body, the mind and the Spirit. The coming days will be a correction of the trail the hyperactive Gemini-energy left. Still , Mercury is lingering in the Twins, creating lots of little stuff to do all the time, you might call it "being distracted...all the time" Now ,we've had Cancer energy highlighted for some time now allready, and the need to slow down is really making headlines. These two, Gemini and Cancer will battle eachother for a while, creating a lot of stress and forcing us to readjust, to realign with our deepest core, represented by the Crab.

The Crab is a soft soul, needing lots of time, space and freedom to explore the inner realities. There, deep inside, we replenish, we nurture our Souls. To be able to let go of all the insane activity of the Mind, we need acceptance. And we need to show ourselves compassion, a virtue greater than anyone. For the art of true compassion is one that releases the inner judge, thus making the world a safer place. We will be much less judgemental of others and this again, creates an atmosphere of love and care. And this is the ultimate goal for Cancer, security. We are all aware of the subtle energies that are being played out while we are smalltalking, trying to create this security, but we end up with feeding the fear,
When you notice the fear that jumps from one person to the other, it is easy to turn the energy in any space into a safe haven, a mothering home, a place where we all can take off the though shell, release the tension and flow from our hearts.

Love is easy, all you have to do is to let go of the fear.

So give yourself the oppurtunity to nurture your inner child, love your moodiness, embrace your flaws. It will lessen the pressure on other people as well.

I wish you love. Nothing less.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Fullmoon and cancers

Today is a fullmoonday. Just like we normally experience every month. Allthough this month, there is a special vibe to it, we might just be going through some exceptionally high tides.
The ebb and flow of our emotions might just pull us into gravtiational forces that is stronger than we might be comfortable with. The fact remains that us earthlings are forever under the spell of the Moon, and in astrology, the Moon reflects our emotional nature. The lunation cycles affects our emotional nature, and we are being pulled into the intimate zones of others through the body of the moon. There, we experience life in its most personalized form.
It is a reflection of our needs, and when we get out of balance with ourselves the danger is always there that we project those needs on other people. And when someone answers to our projection, attachments are formed. That is how we keep together year after year. Ideally, we feed eachother. Sometimes when someone needs us, we need them, like with your children. We need to be needed. It is a way of finding purpose on earth.

But these dynamics can be highly distorted. Humanity's lack of inner security leads to compensatory behaviour. We find security everywhere but where we ideally should find it, we find it in our televisions, in food, in our partners, in our jobs. Which is okey, as long as the outer circumstances stay the way they are and continue to affirm us. But the moment there is a change, the moment the feeders are cut off, that moment can both challenge us and it can trigger enormous growth. People seem to shy away from this, we tend to prefer staying in our comfortzones, but when there is no more growth there, we are pushed our whether we like it or not. And then, you will have to affirm yourself, you will have to find God within yourself, in order to take the next step as a human being constantly becoming.

We all have days that we don't feel like a million bucks and when we become needy for others to be there and feed us, hold us, nurture us, when we can't seem to find it in us to do it ourselves.
It is not always easy looking in the mirror and say "I love you". We tend to be pulled into the reflection about our oversized noses or the wrinkles that disturbes the peace on our facial expression. Sometimes we wake up and we don't know how we will manage or survive. Maybe you lost your job, medical care took all your money, your car was stolen or you lost your pet.

Your life is being challenged. This is the point where you need to be awake and instead of just moving with the flow of your own emotions, indulging in them, take time to work through them instead. You will empower yourself. You will be the one that supports you, and not by denying emotions all together, no, by facing them headon, and process through them, once again clearing the field, and making you capable of being creative again.

Nothing can be denser than emotions. They can pull our heads out of the skies and into the less fun sides of ourselves. My friend would say, we are emotional animals. And we are. There is something about us humans that at first glance can seem highly contradictory, and still, it is a part of our human nature. It is what makes us feel connected to eachother. Unless we are completly blocked from our emotions, we all have it is us to empathize, we can understand and respect the time it takes for people to release whatever projection they got going on. We understand that we create attachments, and we release attachment.

A fullmoon like today is one that goes quite deep into the emotional nature of human beings, giving us the opportunity to see how each and one of us go through the creational process of emotions. Why we react the way we do, why we become defensive, or how easily we adapt to the changing environment and to different people. How much energy we spend to avoid fear. How we project and how quickly we are able to release. This breating in and out happens everyday. The tides are always moving. We are constantly in some movement, nothing ever stands still, except perhaps our fixed ideas about life. In the flush of today's movement, those ideas might have to leave you. Your ideas about emotions, your justification, your projections, maybe they all should leave, and you will see what is left. Might just be that you feel intensly liberated, because you hold the key to Creation. Creation happens in every dimension of existence.

Venus is heading into Cancer. This is the time for us to turn the attention inwards and confirm ourselves. We are emotional beings, respect that, take care of yourself and treat people around you like your equal. Go to the mirror, look at yourself with respect, your body with gratitude for carrying the sometimes heavy load of your inner being, and stream out love to every part of your being. Let us feed ourselves, so that the world can become a less starving place to live.
Abundance comes from within.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


I might just pull out my special astro-flag and salute the World and that cunning Creator of ours, the matrix of evolution and life never ceases to amaze me. I love it. Just as Mars is about to shake its booty and really flex its muscles, Uranus comes along and fires up the skies with fireworks never seen before on this planet. These are energies that really rock. I doubt that it will be boring. They are in essence a mark of a revolution, perhaps just a subtle one, but an energychange non the less. The small changes, the small corrections, the little word you where looking for, that letter in the crossword that triggers a whole set of words. That is the energy that I am talking about.
Mars, that currently resides in Leo, has allready been quite agitated for a week or so, and we might have noticed some tension, so when Uranus joins the club and issues a special invite to Venus and that small asteroid, Juno on top of it, we might see some real relationship dramas. Mars never likes being picked on the nose, and especially so when in Leo, a sign known for it's power and the need to come forth. This is not the time for subtle language, get it out there. Let the tension go. If it has been brewing for a few weeks, just take a deep breath, and either talk to yourself in the mirror (if you have some sort of unfinished buisness with the (Wo)Man in the Mirror), or let the dog take it..No, no, just kidding offcourse. Communication is still highlighted (when will it not be?), but this time there might just be some sort of impatience with repetion that lets itself be known. Real change is wanted. How long will we keep repeating ourselves. When is enough, enough?

This is a really good time to find the solution. It is as if God itself is streaming down to you, letting you hear the subtle whisper of your own voice. Maybe will your creative talents finally be seen, Mars is in Leo, marks the time to show yourself off a bit. Yes, let that hair loose, do that particular move that is you. It is about individuation, you are you. Maybe the relationship that really needs some upgrading, is the one you have to yourself?

Some sort of revolution will be happening whether you are ready or not, most probarly you will feel a vibrant spirit moving through you as you, freeing up whatever stagnated energy that has been collected there, deep within.

And if the energy is really, really thight, well, maybe just a little bit of cosmic shocktheraphy is just what you need.

So, in-joy..As usual. :)

Monday, June 9, 2008

Tiptoeing through the wilderness

Mercury has been going in a retrograde motion in the sign where it rules, Gemini, for about two weeks allready, and it will continue the rethinking process for another week ++. We hear many rumours about Mercury retro, and some of them, yes, they are true..It is a fact that the mental energies and the left side of the brain works so hard that there is a really good opportunity to blow a fuse. It is true that computers and keys and cars behave a littlebit unusual, and that people are distant, their eyes are somewhere in the clouds as they reassess, rethink, trying to remember something they thougth they forgot, trying to forget something that they suddenly remembered.
It is true that stuff gets lost in the mail. But what is truer that anything mentioned above is the opportunity to really grow mentally. Maybe you feel like your mind is going through a purificationprocess? It will happen sooner or later as we grow more mature. Maybe you see that you drag along mental garbage, thoughts on repeat, that no longer serve you, they are just blocking your devotion to life.
You can see it in the eyes of people when they think too much. You probarly have done this before, but trying to observe what goes through your mind the minute you move around people, you realise that your mind labels everything. And labelling is a way of judging. Always the mental chatter. "Look at that dress" ..."Ohh, that was a really cute one"..." what will we have for dinner?" It is amazing how the mind can think so much, but it is also just a flow of energy, energy that moves in any direction, until it is disciplined and directed to better use..Like moving into the heart. And thus to peace..And this way you will be walking peace for other people..You will do a service to the world, just by being.
We all have this choice, but we tend not to use it. Maybe we aren't made aware that there is a choice. Most people find that letting go of thinking is really hard. A friend of mine explained it well when he said :"Just remember the love"

Letting go of thinking about all the imperfections that we see around us , is for many people very hard, because we don't have enough faith. We are taught that we should always be alert in this jungle of life, so that trouble will not come lurking up from behind and surprise us when we are not watching. One thing is being open and direct, facing problems head on, and then move into the flow again. Another thing is being ignorant , and flow artificially through drugs, dreaminess or numbness. Or, on the other side of the axis, to overthink and to worry about the minor details of life. Both these two latter options are draining to the system.
As always , the answer is in the middle..And it is green :) Just like nature. It is harmony. Drinking coffe will not take this harmony away. Eating chocolate or sleeping too little, will not take harmony away. You find your way back to the middle through every breath. It is meditating while walking, while doing your tasks, while working, while having sex.

These coming days we will have the planetoid Chiron's energy highlighted, and all this is about embracing the middleway, finding the balance that serves you, that makes you feel whole. The recipies on how to live life has to be thrown out the window. There is no need to do anything but to observe. If you feel like eating chocolate or drinking a bottle of wine and have a party on your own, do it..I know, we are afraid of going overboard, that is why we mantain so thight control over ourselves and the people we have in our lives, but Chiron is all about sensing balance, and understanding how to mantain it. It is all about listening to the body, and trusting it again. We are complex beings, and the time has come for us earthlings to align again with the power of the feminine.
The Godess accepts imperfection as life. The masculine condemn imperfection. Just think about it..Think about all the anger that the world has against that which is deemed imperfect. The Godess knows more. She is aware that we are all in the making, and that nothing in nature can be called perfect. For something to be perfect it would have to stand still.
Too bad everything in the Universe
is constantly pulsating on one frequency or another. We are vibrant.

Chiron is a reflection of the wound, for those familiar with the myth, you know that he was an educated and inspiring centaur (half horse, half man), someone who was able to sublimate the raw lifeforce into compassion and acceptance. He is the symbol of the wound inflicted upon humanity through the patriarchy, namely the constant battle with human's instinctual and sexual nature. The symbolism of the beast within us that needs to be integrated.
Our connection to nature, to nature in ourselves, the power of the feminine.

So let the wild Godess soar. Feel the power of your earthconnection, let the feet walk you where you need to go. Let yourself out of the prison of the mind. In this way you will fulfill the ultimate intention of Mercury retro, to transcend duality.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

New moon in Gemini

Yes, I celebrate the new moon in Gemini with my first post here on blogpost.
And what a great way to celebrate a new moon, especially one that is dedicated to understanding life's events like this one is..Gemini's are the seekers of knowlegde, mostly because knowing how things works is elementary if you want to survive in this world . The trouble is that we don't know when to stop taking in information, and the end result might be one of confusion, the system ends up overtaxed by all the tidbits and factoids that circulate endlessly.
With so much going on in media, on the web, and in your thoughts, this might be a time to seek the inner truths as well..Remembering that you have the final answer to your own life is a very empowering and uplifting message.
The intution will always guide you through the jungle and if you are aware, alert and listening, there is a great oppurtunity to toss out what you don't need and keep that which resonates within as well as without.

This newmoon however is a calling to break those mental patterns that doesn't serve you anymore.
Other elements in the sky suggests that a change of attitude is vital for further growth and that overthinking anything has never led to any good, except for those who nurture themselves on mental energy alone.
We live in our small worlds, in our particular culture, and gemini is here to create a brigde between what is known for you and what the world has to offer to complement your awareness. There might be a need to move beyond the known and see things from a totally different point of view, enhancing your ability to understand the world, and the conflicts that arise between races and cultures. If you where an alien entering this planet , you would call us all earthlings, and that is the truth, no matter how much you twist and turn it, we walk under the same sky, we all see the same sun. And within us , the same light is shining, the rest is our cultural imprinting and condittioning.

So move deeper, dive into the truth, it is a very liberating experience, the contradictions of gemini becomes a play of consciousness.