Thursday, July 17, 2008

The moon is ripe.

The sweetness of summer is at its fullest, the forest is ripe with blueberries and the ducklings are allready fat and ready to swim alone. And the cancerian Sun makes us all feel slow and quiet. It seems like everything is moving in a calmer pace, and Mercury, our favorite neurotic, has allready been a few days in Cancer, changing his face yet another time, this time putting on his robe and chilling under a Sun that does practically nothing. Eating, resting, going for a few walks, being with family, playing with the kids, all this is the Cancerian domain. Sleeping. The benefits of good rest and the time to meditate. Summer at its sweetest.
Minor things cannot upset us for long in this state. Mars is in Virgo however, so frustrations might surface, which could very well taint out vacationmode. If you have the chance you should let it all go.

It is a time to tune in, Mercury in Gemini these last two months could easily have been a mental race that made us all feel that we have had enough of chit-chatting, cyberspacing and networking. Mercury in Cancer is another dimension entirely. What is inbetween the words is much more interesting than what comes out of the mouth. What you say and how you feel might be two different things, and you will perhaps feel much more sensitive to other people's emotions these days. This is both good and bad, being overly sensitive can overpower you , and tomorrows fullmoon might just be a reminder that we need to stay alert in the face of emotional manipulations, minor and major ones. Boundaries and taking time to really explain and go thoroughly through things might ease some of the guilt that so easily occurs when we are in contact with eachother, and especially when we perhaps feel that we hurt someone. This can be very sensitive and vulnerable energies, so stepping lightly and with compassion through this fullmoon might be adviceable.

We all carry our histories, even small children have theirs allthough we might not think about it. Taking each person as he or she is is a great challenge as we tend to project ourselves out on the world and onto people. Listening to the subtle realms is perhaps a lesson that we need to learn again and again. And knowing how to approach what we hear when we truly listen is another challenge. For how do you use the knowledge of others vulnerablities? How do we help eachother becoming more secure beings ?
To validate eachother is all well, but how do we evolve beyond neediness?

Cancer is a lesson of self-love. If we don't accept and love ourselves, we will create a battle with the world sooner or later. Before you know it an enemy has shown up on your door, challenging your sense of security. It is the true law of attraction, and if we don't master selflove, which is true selfmastery, then we wont be able to manifest in the outer world what we naturally are. It is, as I have said so many times, our inner foundation, our emotional relation first and foremost to ourselves. The child that once ran into obstacles and got cut and bruised in more than one way. The familyhistorie on re-run. This is also Cancer, and this fullmoon marks the end of the solar month of the Crab. From an evolutionary point of view, if the Cancerian lessons of selflove are well integrated, the entry into Leo can be a really creative one. From water to fire, from emoting to expressing.

This coming solar month can bring a lot of goodies in that regard, but more about that later.
For now, make sure you can honor the goddess power of both the fullmoon and of Cancer.

"The more she emotes, the less he listens, and the less he listens, the more strident and emotive she becomes" Maggie Scarf.

This might very well sum it all up.

Monday, July 7, 2008


Mars and Saturn are becoming best buddies in Virgo these days. That is, and I quote Liz Greene, the famous astrologer, if anyone ever could become Saturn's best buddy.
He is known to be a bit stern, and a fella like Mars, wild and free and out to get things done, might feel the castrating Saturn, making sure you chew on those intiatives, checking that they are realistic. Is there a point to all your action?

Pluto retro makes a trine to these two and it furthers the tendency to withdraw and question-
Life is a constant movement in and out, and Pluto describes this impulse. Being able to gracefully let yourself go is a big challenge for ambitious people, and with the Cancer Sun soon making an opposition to retrograd Jupiter, we might feel like we are in some way simply forced to take it easy, or to focus on basic issues primarily.
All the energy is directed inwards and a low energy level, a bad back or too much to do will make us all feel a bit down. Let that be okey. Being a bit down, and accepting it, knowing that this too will pass, reflects wisdom. Life is not always fireworks and creative bliss, hungry as we are for constant reassurance that we are here.

Let someone go home all day, ill or unemployed, and you got the best way to make people feel invisible, unworthy. The Sun, Leo, is the shining light. I am here. Here. This is what I have to offer. I give it.I don't question it. I am it. If I love astrology, I am astrology. If I love music, I am music. I am the creative impulse. The solar fire.

But who are you? Many people don't know. They think they are something, and then this something changes. It is never the same light, it is always evolving. We peel off layers. The process can be frustrating, because we face the unknown.

Saturn describes the form that we take, thus it is the body. Of anything. The structures of you life. If that structure is outdated, out of balance, out of alignment, Mars will now fire the energy up so that you will feel the misalignment physically. There is no way that nature can be one constant outpouring of energy. There is a point in creation that must inhale.

Why am I doing what I am doing? Why am I here? How can I be sure that it is the right thing? Many questions, and the answer. Is there one? Well, maybe not in terms of guarantees. You might and you might not is often what you get.
And maybe you search outside of yourself to get an answer. And the same amount of uncertainty is reflected back on you. If you are clear, the answers will be too. If not, let it go, don't dwell too long on things you can't do anything about today.

Taking the action to move on further, despite the uncertainty is a brave way of living. Then you feel that this I give, it is my service. I will do my best, which is what I have to offer. And the best you can do is relative, all depending on your daily cycle. Saturn-Mars will tell you about this, especially now that the Sun opposes Jupiter. Maybe there is too much ambition?
Is it wearing you out? If it is , there is this famous medicine called ZEN. Desire=Ambition=Doing.
Doing all sorts of stuff all the time is a tireing experience. The mind is always active, thinking, worrying; am I doing enough? Did I do that right? Will I succeed?

Instead if simply being. When the answer is there, it is there. When you have no security need of having you desires met instantly, you let go, and letting go is healing. Only then is the body in a receptive mode. And when there is balance in the yang, the outpouring of energy, and the yin, the receving of energy, then there is a constant flow of Divine Creation. All you do is to let the flow be. You are making space for grace.

If there is being, there is patience. And patience means peace. So when you find peace, you will be creative. That must be why it is called "to be creative", not "to do creative" ;)
I am creative. Even when I rest. When I rest, I am creating energy. It is replenishing the system. So, there you go: Virgo-Cancer. Taking care and nurturing. The pulse of the moment. The flavour of the days to come.

Just be nice to yourself. Even though you feel like you are worthless for the day. It will change. Let yourself become receptive again. And then tomorrow you will flow through all the stuff that you have been dying to be. It is time to realign.

Much love.