Saturday, August 9, 2008

Vacation overload

I never thought I would say it, but finally my vacation is near its end. Phew! Vacation can be hard, allthough I am very happy it happens in the month of Cancer and Leo, the more playful signs of the Zodiac. The focus is simply enjoying life, understanding the necessecity to breathe in and nourish the Soul. And the planets has been crossing the nightsky without me noticing, nor blogging about it, vacationmode is its own little bubble, mostly protected from the movements in the sky.

But there is a limit to everything , and a few days ago, Venus crossed into Virgo, pushing the work-button, the party is over. Soon, Mercury will join and makes sure you put into practise whatever paritcular task you have at hand in order to realise your potential. According to my father, a survey done amongst the elderly , posing one question : "what did you reget in your life" reavealed that most of them regetted not working more. Work develops us, it is a creative playground for us, it makes us stronger, if the attitude is right. In our society, we have a tendency to critizise and fight almost everything, and I do not think that it is a surprise that auto-immune illnesses are popping up everywhere, the internal battling is really coming to the front. This battle is fought also with our jobs, and to tell you the truth, each and one of us is beyond compare. We are all unique, not something the competitive Dash Parr of the Incredibles was too enthusiazed to hear when his mother said : "but Dash, we are all special". He replies rather dryly : "That is the same thing as saying that none of are special" and he has got a point. Having a job that doesn't fullfill your thirst for life is a though challenge.
Leo, where the Sun currently resides, is the sign of self-actualisation. On a more spiritual level it is important to understand that this has nothing to do with "fame and glory". That is the Ego-desires operation. Which is ok, but can be quite draining to the more spiritually inclined individual. The Sun operates then on a different level, it brings forward another dimension, making us understand that true success is the ability to enjoy life, without anything special, nothing external to make us feel good. Hard to achieve maybe, but certainly possible. Joy for no apparent reason. Living life without making demands all the time. Such bliss. Such freedom. This is the self-realisation process the Indians speak of. It is always there, heaven is always there. You can always enter.

Venus in Virgo is telling us that whatever you do, do it with dedication, with your full attention. In this way, everything , even the dishwashing, can become a blessing, a meditation, something that replenishes your energy. And Virgo is all about replenishing. This is why it is so closely tied up with health, it tells us how to use energy in order to stay healthy, and that all has a consequence. The way you think, the food you eat, the routines that you have in your life, they all make a difference. The health of the treetrunk will tell you if there will be any fruit on the branches.

Venus in Virgo enjoys work. It is grateful for service, it thrives with work. I read somewhere just recently a short interview with a doctor coming back to work after a month of vacation. He was asked about the challenges of returning to work with an overload of tasks awaiting. "Being busy, is not the same as being stressed out" he answered..That's the attitude..:)

I slept and dreamt that life was a joy I awoke and saw that life was service I acted and behold, service was joy. - Rabindranath Tagore