Sunday, September 21, 2008


It has been a rough week, due to intense planetary contacts, and the bombing in Pakistan is again another reminder of the collective forces that are stirring in people.
Especially vulnerable are we in our astral dimension, the place of our emotions. Show me the person who has mastered the art of true neutralisation, who is really above it all and I will run over and ask "how do you do it" . What is the Secret? When do we start to have our gravitational pull to a higher dimension, where clarity reigns and suffering ends? When are we liberated from the push and pull of astral forces.? So much trouble and disease are due to either indulgence or suppression of the emotional body and therefore, in our culture, we need to take extra care to understand the inner workings of our mental-emotional plane.

Allthough Saturn hasn't been too strong lately, it is always there, and now, more than anytime, we could certainly need a little dose of this Master. Saturn in Virgo, which we have for the moment, is about management of our inner, as well as our outer life. It is currently trining and ruling Jupiter in Capricorn, enlightening us in the realm of stability and productivity. Without a certain astral stability, there is no way that you will be efficient nor productive. Without a certain stability, your creativity might ebb and flow with the moon. You will find exuses for not being inspired, exuses for not creating. Saturn-Jupiter in these two earthsigns grounds us, takes us into the physical realm, and teach us about the art of manifestation.Makes us understand that we need to discipline our minds in order to create stability.
This last week might have been challeging on the astral realm of both you and me, so I thought it was due time to introduce you to one of the esoteric pearls that I stumbled upon before Sun-Pluto hit the fan.

This is taken from esoteric astrology by Alice Bailey, and it is indeed a gem and a brilliant insight into the true nature of our dear Saturn:

"Amid the whirling forces, I stand confused.

I know them not, for, during all my past, they swept me
up and down the land wherein I moved, blinded and unaware.
From place to place and point to point, they drove me up and down
the land and nowhere was there rest.
I know them now and here I stand and will not move
until I know the Law which governs all this movement
up and down the land. I may revolve and turning face
the many different ways; I face some wide horizons
and yet today, I stand.
I will determine for myself the way to go. Then onward I will move.
I will not travel up and down the land, nor turn in space.
But onward I will move. "

Saturn is the Law. Or the Laws of the Universe. Not the manmade laws only, but the ones that are in effect in our Creation, the essential keys of Life itself. If man understands the Laws, he will merge with Higher intention and the ebb and flow will stabilize. Saturn checks on us to see if we get this point in our own lives, and if we ourselves , are willing to take on the task of creating the understanding of the Lifeforce. Which can be quite humbling, but very effective. :)

Have a sweet evening..
Many blessings.